Shoppe FAQ

Where is the store based?
Columbus, Ohio.

How do we ship?
We’ll ship out via USPS within 3 days & refund any shipping overages over $2. Tracking will be included on all orders. Typically shipping within the US takes 3-5 business days to arrive once the order has been mailed. Delivery times may vary depending on the efficiency of your local postal carrier. Currently our shop sells only within the US, but shipping costs can be supplied for international orders upon request. Just send us a message.

What are your shipping costs within the US?
Coloring Books…….$3.50
Multiple posters will be combined and shipped flat rate for the same price. Orders containing posters with additional items will incur a shipping price for each class of products (ex. 1 poster + 1 coloring book would cost $12.50 to ship).

How do we accept payment?
Currently our site only accepts PayPal which is a secure way to make purchases.

How do we do refunds and exchanges?
We hope you’re happy with our work! If for some reason you aren’t, please contact us to let us know why. We can accept returns & offer refunds if you contact us to let us know what was wrong. Shipping costs cannot be refunded.

Additional Policies and FAQs
Are you interested in custom artwork? If so, drop us a line for a quote.