Q&A with Elizabeth Boch, 2014-2015 Zinggia Art Scholarship Winner
Elizabeth was our inaugural Zinggia Art Scholarship winner! YAY!! We wanted to check in with her to see how she was doing in her first year of art school. Sounds like she’s ...
Elizabeth was our inaugural Zinggia Art Scholarship winner! YAY!! We wanted to check in with her to see how she was doing in her first year of art school. Sounds like she’s ...
We made this video a few years back when we had our custom muppets made. Puppeting is such a workout :D
RIPT Apparel picked one of our Lord of the Rings shirt designs to print & sell for a day! WOOT! Snaga is one of our favorite LOTR orcs because he has one ...
Jason has a reputation for making some pretty neat Christmas gifts for me. This is one of my favorites! He drew mini cards of my favorite movie and TV characters ...
I’m notoriously bad at getting Jason Christmas presents. Every year I think I’ve nailed it and have finally gotten him something amazing and cool. And every year I fail. Like ...
I quit my full time design job so I can stay home and draw monsters all day & run my Etsy shop full time! So far it’s pretty cool :) ...
Now that the Pinchflat Poster show is officially over for 2014, we’ll be selling our remaining Desert Rose Dragon screenprint in our Etsy shop. Some stats on 2014 Pinchflat: The show ...
Monster masks, and mazes, and coloring pages…oh my! FINALLY, our first coloring book is finished! This super fun set of coloring pages is filled with cryptozoology, greek mythology, and legendary ...
Here’s another sneak peek at a few other coloring book pages from our first monster coloring book! Like I mentioned in the last post, this won’t just be a plain ...
We’ve been hard at work on our first monster coloring book for the past few months. I used to work on kids’ arts & craft products like coloring books, paint-by-number ...